I need recommendations for a new graphics card for general desktop work with some Photo work included but not much video. I am not a gamer at all. I'm putting together a new machine with a P7P55D-E Pro ASUS Mobo, Core I7-860 CPU, 4GB Crucial mem, Intel SSD, Midtower case, 1TB hard drive, sound card, etc. I'm looking for a really reliable quiet and cool midrange graphics card that will last for a few years. I want good graphics generally with a nice Samsung 22" monitor but nothing too exotic. Prefer to spend well under $200, preferably around $90 to $110 if possible. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
From what you describe, a $90 card would be overkill...even the card below is slight overkill, and it costs half that much. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125250
Killer Bug, Great suggestion! I'm already running a 4350 in one of my machines and it's a nice card. Thanks very much for your opinion...........and I like Gigabyte too.
Hi Killer Bug, I'ver read the posts on this card and there are several that say they can't get it to work on Win 7 64bit. That's going to be my OS and I'm concerned. Some commented that Nvidia drivers are better. Any thoughts? Paul