Need Help about my DVD Player

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dcrosby1, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. dcrosby1

    dcrosby1 Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    I have a Panasonic dvd-rv32 DVD player. I rencenly have been making back ups of my dvd's and it all seemed to be going just fine. Well, I used dvd shrink to take the movie off the original dvd and then burned it with Nero to a Maxell 2x dvd-r. When all was said and done, I put it in my Symphonic dvd/vcr player and it worked just fine (btw, I could not play VCD's in this player before), so I thought that I had hit the Jackpot because not we can watch movies in the bedroom with the new dvd-r's instead of backing up all our stuff onto two cd-r's (VCD). But when I put it in the Panasonic dvd player, it would not read it! I was stumped. Then my husband put it in the player and it worked. But has not worked since nor will any of the other dvd-r's that I have burned. They all play in the PS2 also!

    Im thinking that it played once, so it must work, but I just dont get why it is not working anymore!

    I do put a label on the dvd-r's when I am done and I have read in a few places since, that doing this is bad. Could this be the problem?

    Also why would a label being put on the top of a dvd-r have anything to do with how it works? Im really confused about that!

    Thanks in advance
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well the Problems with Putting labels on DVD"s is that the Labels can make the DVD un-Ballanced so when it spins it doesn"t spin in a Perfect Circle because it is Lopsided from being to heavy on one side, But this would not stop one From Playing it can Just make Playback a Bit Buggy......

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