I have a Panasonic dvd-rv32 DVD player. I rencenly have been making back ups of my dvd's and it all seemed to be going just fine. Well, I used dvd shrink to take the movie off the original dvd and then burned it with Nero to a Maxell 2x dvd-r. When all was said and done, I put it in my Symphonic dvd/vcr player and it worked just fine (btw, I could not play VCD's in this player before), so I thought that I had hit the Jackpot because not we can watch movies in the bedroom with the new dvd-r's instead of backing up all our stuff onto two cd-r's (VCD). But when I put it in the Panasonic dvd player, it would not read it! I was stumped. Then my husband put it in the player and it worked. But has not worked since nor will any of the other dvd-r's that I have burned. They all play in the PS2 also! Im thinking that it played once, so it must work, but I just dont get why it is not working anymore! I do put a label on the dvd-r's when I am done and I have read in a few places since, that doing this is bad. Could this be the problem? Also why would a label being put on the top of a dvd-r have anything to do with how it works? Im really confused about that! Thanks in advance Donna
Well the Problems with Putting labels on DVD"s is that the Labels can make the DVD un-Ballanced so when it spins it doesn"t spin in a Perfect Circle because it is Lopsided from being to heavy on one side, But this would not stop one From Playing it can Just make Playback a Bit Buggy......