Need help and advice softmodding

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by tjgp32, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. tjgp32

    tjgp32 Guest

    ok now i have tried softmodding for weeks now and nothing freeken works now i keep reading about using the game exploits now my problem with that is i dont have any compatable games or a memmory card but i was wonderin if i can use the files from the slayers evox auto installer 2.6 final disc and Xboxhdm together in order to softmod any help would be much appreciated

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    You have to hack the console, either with a chip or softmod, to obtain the neccessary files via FTP to build a hd from scratch with xboxhdm. You need your eprom bin file to lock it most importantly. Your X BoX has a bin file unlike any other X Box. Old, but served MS's purpose. You can get the other files off SlaYers though and even include game saves, nes roms, small xbox games, apps, and whatever. Hope this helps.

    If your having trouble softmodding follow this I did.

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2006

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