need help asp

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by lucas23, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. lucas23

    lucas23 Guest

    i got a digital cam and im trying to put pic from it on to my comp for me mum and every time i do what the manual ssays i cant get any thing up no pictures nothing there all stored on the cam but wont transe fair over
  2. uzziber

    uzziber Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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  3. lucas23

    lucas23 Guest

    im using xp my cam is a samsung digimax101 and its pictures im trying to capture i dont think the sdd card is formated and its rweally inportent i get the pics off i have tryed puting it thought my video in to my windvd i have tryed using the usb way were it turns in to a storage device but it still wont work

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