Need help burning audio from tape to disk

Discussion in 'Audio' started by overdub, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. overdub

    overdub Guest

    Just found this site...glad to meet you all!
    I'd like to find a way to burn audio from an analog tape player directly to CD or, better yet, DVD. Bringing the audio into the computer and hard drive using an audio recording application is fine when editing and processing the sound is necessary but it's a cumbersome way of merely copying tape to disk.

    Can anyone here advise me on what program(s) there may be available, hopefully freeware or shareware, that can feed real time sound into a DVD (or CD) burner? This is something that would save a lot of time archiving old tapes and your help will be most appreciated.
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Musicmatch can record your tapes/vinyl disc(s) into a WAV(MP3) wile on your disc, provided you've a cable. After doing that, you'll have to record the WAV into a CD.
    Exact Audio Copy can help you to edit the cuesheet placing all the 'song' ponts wher they need to be, so that you'll record 2 WAVs (Side_A.WAV + Side_B.WAV) having (and showing) N+M traces in the CD.

    PM me (DON'T POST it) your e-mail and I'll e-mail you a full guide.

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