i'm planning on buying an external burner to save my internal from some of the wear and tear i put on it . u guys know much more than me so i was wandering what the best i can find for 150$ max would be .. thanx in advance
You ask a question that is going to have many answers as everyone has a different favorite or advice. I have a liteon dual layer external burner it works great no probs. It was onsale for the right price and suited my budget. You may want to go to pricegrabber.com check out what's available at a price in your budget. Once you narrow it to say 3 different models check them out at epinions.com or reviews from pcworld & pcmag.com do some surfing get the goods on the goods you become interested in and buy what you feel meets your indvidual needs. Good luck
How about an external case for around $30 and a BenQ1655 LighScribe for around $55 or a grand total of $85 for an external burner that is one of the best. Just go on Newegg.com and purchase both.