Hello everyone i want to buy a video card but there is so much comoshion which ones better and people keep saying this ones better and other person says soemthign different. I want to run like battlefield 3 on my pc to max graphics a card that will last me atleast 3 years before changing. My specs are Hp pavilion p6102f PC 8gb System Memory 750 Hard drive Windos cista 64 bit AMD Phenom ||x4 925 Processor I changed Videocard before from Ati Radeon Hd 4650 to Ati Radeon Hd 5700 This card works good but lags on full resolution on some games I also changed the powersuply to fit the video card i bought a LS 600 power suplly
I love my GTX 560...I got the evga version. Unless you have a 3D display, it should be more than enough for just about anything.