I use bit tornado but the dl speed is only 25 kbs (upload 35) at max. The yellow light is on. I checked and open ports on my firewall, but it still dl at slow speed. I checked some of my peer's dl, and some of them is dling at 150 kbs. xD. I don't think there's anything i nd to config with my NAT, because some a few of my other bit dl reach up to 90 kbs. WHy is this damn thing dling so slowwww. Btw i have lots of peers. SOmeone help!.
I also use bittornado and I usually get really high speeds around 200 if there is enough seeds. If you opened your ports properly and allowed bittornado through your firewall protection it should get a green light 90 percent of the time. Seeders are very important. Trackers going down could also be the issue but it all varies from torrent to torrent.