Need Help Installing a HDD on a Softmodded Xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by MrBones, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. MrBones

    MrBones Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    K first off, If this is the wrong section for this post, Im sorry :)

    Now,I used this tutorial completely to softmod my xbox.

    The softmod works 100% good, Now I need to get me a new HardDrive so I can store some games. Im useing a 120.0GB Western Digital (WD1200) HardDrive that I pulled out of my old computer, First i wiped the HD completely clean then followed this tutorial right here.

    My Softmod installed Evox into and I went into System Config - Backup to create the eeprom (I Think). Inside the E: folder there was EEPROMBACKUP.bin so I followed the tutorial and put it inside the right directry then copyed the E: and C: drives into the folders, I renamed it to "eeprom.bin" because it has thats what it the file name is, then ran it into the iso, the iso came out as 837MB so I cant burn it on a disc since all I have is 700mb disc's so

    So now I removed some files, like music and some saved games then recompiled the iso, got it to 538mb then I burned it and got into the screen, pressed "1" and then it said loadeding, then blacked screened and stayed there and dident do anything else. So im here now and dont know what to do, I was thinking about buying a 10 pack dvd-r discs which are 4.7GB a disc and then burning the 837MB iso but I think it might just black screen still.

    If you know any ideas what the problem is or have a diffrent method to upgrade my HDD please let me know :)
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    really if you have the softmod linux files on memory card still and the game to softmod you dont even need the E Folder just leave that blank...
    and how big is that eeprom.bin file?
  3. MrBones

    MrBones Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    256 bytes

    but i erased all my games and music on my xbox so i can make the iso smaller to fit on a disc, and when i boot up with only my new xbox hdd in my pc, i press 1 to go into VGA mode and it just sits there and does nothing :eek:
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    alright well the eeprom is the correct size so thats not the problem,
    make sure the jumper is set to master on the HDD...
  5. MrBones

    MrBones Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    it dosent have a jumper on it, not sure if that would be the problem or not, but there was only 1 drive connected when i did it. When i get home ill put a jumper on it and try.

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