Hey all, I have a V-Stream video capture card in my computer, here's a link to info on it and pictures if it helps: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815100103 I've hooked up my 4 head vcr to this card through the analog cable port and using v-streams software I captured the movie over to my hard drive. I then used TMPGENC source creator to convert it to dvd format and TMPG DVD author to brun it. When I popped it into my player I noticed that when no sound should be existent (ie: FBI Warning screen) static is played. The video quality is fine but the screen slows as if playing at a slower speed rate. I still don't fully understand interlace de-interlace but I remember Source Creator setting the movie to interlace so if that is a problem let me know (I'm playing it on a normal tv). Also the sound quality is terrible and I don't know why. If somebody (or somebody's) could help me solve this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
With the audio are you connecting it into the capture card or your sound card (looks like capture card but un-sure). With respect to interlacing it should be interlaced because this is what your source tape is. Part of the problem is probably the V-Stream software and VirtualDub is a great free program you can get for these types of capture cards (looks like Connexant).
Firstly, you need to isolate at what stage in your processing the problem occurs. What format do you capture the VHS in? I personally capture VHS in mpeg(.mpg) format. When you run the captured movie in TMPGEnc Source Creator, does the audio sound OK & is it in sync? Next, when you run the movie through TMPGEnc DVD Author, does the audio sound OK & is it in sync? After you have processed the movie through TMPGEnc DVD Author, and before you burn it, does the audio sound OK & is it in sync when you playback the VIDEO_TS files? If everything sounds & looks OK at this stage, it should burn OK. Incidently, if you capture in mpeg format, you can skip the TMPGEnc Source Creator stage & process the mpeg directly with TMPGEnc DVD Author. Personally, I have never had much (or any) success with TMPGEnc Source Creator. You might be better off using TMPGEnc MPEG Editor, rather than TMPGEnc Source Creator, if you really need that processing stage. I would also suggest you purchase their add-on soundpack AC3 Filter. This will convert your audio to Dolby Digital Stereo. Only costs about $30. Lastly, you might be having Macrovision problems, a VHS copy protection system. In which case you will need a macrovision removal device to plug in between your VCR & your Video Capture Card. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck.
The Video slowing down could be a sign that your CPU can"t keep up with encodeing all of the Frames of the Video when you were Captureing (If you Captured to Mpeg-2) as Mpeg-2 capture Sucks up a Lot of CPU resources so you need a fairly Fast PC to Capture Full resolution Mpeg-2 and some programs use up a Lot More CPU than Others....