need help modding NDS

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Kanthos, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. Kanthos

    Kanthos Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Good afternoon,
    I need some help modding a my nintendo DS.
    I am looking for hardware and software that can backup Nintendo DS games to dump them to my pc.
    I have already successfully modded my PSP and already can dump those games to my master HD 1tbg.
    I just decided to mod my 3 NDS, money is not a real issue at the moment.
    I would like to know what programs are good for dumping the games, and waht hardware I will need to both dump the games, and place the homebrew software onto the NDS, I am unsure if they still do this but has any company company come out with blanks Karts for NDS?

    thanks for the help
  2. dragnandy

    dragnandy Regular member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    well by modding you just mean like playing roms,videos,music, ect. from your HDD to the ds?

    you will not need to mod or down/upgrade firmware whatever if you were not aware of it yet. you just need a flashcart, which is like a blank nds cartridge. main ones are like r4, m3 simply, g6, EZ flash, and so on. those mainly only go up to 2gb, while the m3 real can go up to 4 gb. and i also saw a 6gb SDHC, and i believe the m3 real can play SDHC cards. and most of the flashcarts use a micro-sd as memory/space, except the g6, which has its memory built in.

    if moneys no object, then these wont cost that much. a flashcart + 2gb micro-sd card would be around $60. you can purchase them at or any other website that sells it

    from there on, you can play emulators roms and others. but since you have a psp, i dont see the need to put emulators onto the nds, since psp supports better emulators.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2007
  3. Kanthos

    Kanthos Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Thanks for the help.
  4. Kanthos

    Kanthos Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    will be modding system in a few weeks.
    I will post a new forum with exact details on how I did it and will try to add some pictures.

    if anyone is interested, I am Fraps image recorder so I can record how to dump commercial games from the NDS to the pc.

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