Hey folks im new to this forum i have trouble merging different winrar archives i have 4 winrar archives each about 100mb. they are all part of an ISO image that was compressed. i want to get the iso image from those 4 archives (the iso image is about 500mb)...how do i merge those 4?(he who split it did so cos he could not upload to his file hosting service files more than 100mb in size). when i try to extract then imdividually each of then asks if i want to overright the existing thing..cos they all 4 have the same ISO..im so confused. any help is welcome thanks!
hi there, ok,you just have to open the 1e rar archive and it'll show the 500 mb iso. just extract that iso to a folder, and your iso ready for use! While extracing, winrar will automaticly merge the files, to extract them as a 1 whole iso file. so you dont need to open the rest of the archives(they are already used) hope this helps retro