need help recovering softmod

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by wolfman20, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. wolfman20

    wolfman20 Guest

    OK i need SERIOUS help reparing my xbox 1 console. I did soft modd using aid 5 and got everything all nice and setup peachy and dandy. I then decided to try and hot swapp the hd out for a bigger hard drive and somehow I have managed to delete the dashboards and there is no software. When you turn on the console it does load the xbox logo and if there is a game in there it will load the game up. I am not able to use ftp or i would just push all the backups i have on pc to xbox again. I am out of ideas. Can someone please help me get my xbox going again. I would greatly appreciate it. OH btw i dont have modd chip just did soft modd.
  2. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Which exploit did you use? Load your game then load the exploit and then you can ftp.
  3. wolfman20

    wolfman20 Guest

    i used sc original with memory card gave save hack and then loaded auto installer deluxe 5 and then put on xbmc. backed up all files. i get error 16 on xbox logo screen. i cant use ftp to bring files back. also cant put in sc to use game hack again to re do exploit
  4. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Alright you're going to have to walk though all the steps that you took to mod your xbox.

    You should be able to load your exploit (save game file) and ftp your files back because the games save folder is on a different partiton (E:/UDATA) than your dash files.

    If you can't load your save you'll have to hotswap, just search afterdawn "how to hotswap".

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