I'm using vista and it has windows media player 11 everything works fine for a long time suddenly yesterday most of my videos won't play it keeps giving me error and direct me to the microsoft page I've try playing them in other players like realplayer but still won't work I've installed media player classic and it plays all the files just fine How come they suddenly stop working on wmp or any other media players?? (they all works fine before)
it's that drm thing you might try using vlc player but make sure that you are using the c version, that one works with vista
I already have some other player that plays all formats I'm asking why the hell wmp stops working suddenly and it affects realplayer too and what is that drm thing? can I turn it off in my comp?
try using vlc player , use version ending with a c, this player will play almost anything you put to it, also the drm thing if you google the word drm it will tell you more thain i can, good luck