Hi all, I'm new to this stuff, so please go easy on me. I have downloaded some DS games from the internet, they all have a file extension .nds, my nephew has a DS with a supercard, all the games he has loaded have file extention .nds.dsq and .nds.sav. Is there a way to convert .nds to .nds.dsq/.nds.sav so they will play on his console? Thanks in advance.
.nds is all you need put them on the card and they will play. .sav = the save file - these are the games he has played, the save file can be different with each type of cart and may not be interchangable but the nds will work on all
I have done that and the game title is on the menu, you press start, it comes up with a black screen saying it's loading xxx/kbs and then the screen goes blank, any ideas?
Game - if it is new one then it may not yet be compatable (GTA, Clone Wars etc) Firmware - is it up to date, see the site in my signature, it hosts all the firmwares and if the card has not been updated for a while this may be the issue.
Thanks, I'll do some further investigation, some further questions for you as you seem to be quiet knowledgeable - what does the .nds.dsq file extension mean? and why do the games on the card have this extention? how do I check what firmware he has? I have only attempted one game - Indiana Jones, which I think is new, I have downloaded some other games which may be older, when I see him on the weekend I give it another try, thanks heaps for your help.
Not sure with your card but usually there is a setting (or icon) to press and get the firmware revision. Most firmwares are updated every 6-8 weeks (how long has he had it?) As to the extensions, each card generates a save file, usually an option file (how you want it to start - download play etc). and others cheat files and so on every card is different. My M3 real had a .nds, a .opt and the .sav file but others label them differently. Back up the card (so you save the old system file, games and saves. Delete the old firmware and put on the new. Try and see what happens, if anything goes wrong you can always format the card and put everything back on thast you backed up