Need help transfering songs.

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by Gozzman, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. Gozzman

    Gozzman Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    I have three computers with different iTunes programs and when I want to connect to my desktop PC instead of my laptop iTunes tells me that it will erase all data on my iPod to put the songs from my desktop in. Is there some way I can just add songs to my iPod without losing any?
    Can I just delete iTunes and reinstall it with the same disk on each computer and then register each with my iPod, or will it still not work?
  2. mikebou

    mikebou Guest

    your ipod is linked to one computer and that's it
    apple doesn't want you to share your music.

    same thing would happen if you took it to a friend's computer and tried to plug it in


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