Hi, I have two routers, one is a linksis and the other is a d-link. The linksys I am using wirelessly and the d-link I am connected to with to computers via ehternet. With both enabled in network connections, the internet dosn't work. I think its using the d-link router for internet, but I need it to use the linksys one, the d-link is just for a lan to transfer files between the two computers. Any ideas would be appreciated.
no you see they are in two different rooms (the routers), the d-link with my pc's wired and the other in my den.
the routers do not show up in network connections just your network card(s). get a pci wireless card or an usb wireless adapter for the pc.
In my network connections I have two connections, wireless network connection and local area connection, the first is my linksis receiver and the second is through my pc's built in ethernet port.
There are two connections on each computer, the ones I previously mentioned. They are both connected the same way, wireless to linksys and wired to d-link.
then those are not your routers but netcards both wired & wireless. because both computers have wireless capability & you have a wireless adapter then get rid of the d-link router.
I'm using the d-link as a wired hub to transfer files between computers... Wifi is very slow for that. The linksys is fine enough for internet only, thought up until now I've been using it for both.
I've solved the problem. All I needed to do was set the interface metric on one network connection to 1 and the other connection two 2, so it knows which is the primary one to use.