need help w/ making dvd-r of music video compilation

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by rick28806, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. rick28806

    rick28806 Guest

    i have a few dvd of music video of different artists and want to burn my own dvd-r of music video consists of my favorite music videos along with direct access menu. any and all help is greatly appreciated.
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Try cutting out the individual clips you want with DVD Shrink, re-author mode. You can use the start/end-chapter select feature to find a part you want and cut out the rest. Just repeat the process untill you have what you want. You end up with a bunch of clips on your hard drive.
    Next use Nero Nerovision express SmartStart> Photo and Video> Make your Own DVD Video. Just add the clips and then finish with a simple menu. Follow through by burning the compilation to a disc.

    Your menu will have access to each of the clips. This is a good simple way to add a menu to a DVD.

    Try a couple of practice runs and just follow the directions Nero provides.

    Let me know if you have problems.


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