Need help w/ new tv purchase...

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by redbeerd, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. redbeerd

    redbeerd Guest

    I am needing to replace my 20" toshiba fflat screen tube tv soon. And it looks like i may have to go lcd or dlp. I still have my 65in rear projection mitsubishi and love the picture! anyway i need probably a 23 or 26 inch. being a bedroom tv that gets a few hours a day at most i dont see droping lots of cash. Are the olivies or vizios worth buying or is it better to save a little more and get a samsung,sharp or toshiba? Any suggestions would be great. I'll be buying from Best By, Circuit or hhgregg and maybe costco. Thanks
  2. redbeerd

    redbeerd Guest

    Sorry forgot to say my limit is around 500-600 us dollars.
  3. iluvendo

    iluvendo Active member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Check out the following site to some links foe good deals. You will have to check daily as the deals change. They do not sell anything, on direct u to the deals. Costco and CC,Best Buy are some of the sellers on this site
  4. redbeerd

    redbeerd Guest

    thanks for the link. I am kinda eye ballin the olivie brand tvs. I heard their warrenty isnt that great but for the price it might be worth gettin an in store warranty. Anyone have any experiance w/ this brand? I'm lookin in the 23 to 26inch range. around 500 bills.
  5. iluvendo

    iluvendo Active member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    Careful about store warrantys as sometimes they cost almost half of the price of the item ( big rip off and a huge money maker for the store) . I have heard of the olivia brand and I believe Costco sells it. My understanding is that if an item passes the 90 day test (and still alive after daily use ) it will be ok as most probs occur in this time frame.
  6. Icanbe

    Icanbe Guest

    You could look at the prima brand at bestbuy, panels aren't the greatest, but they are cheap. But if your fussy about quality then don't bother with the prima.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2008
  7. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Here's one, it's 100 dollars more then you wanted to spend but, a nice tv for the bedroom. Looks like BB also has some deals on some 720p sets.

    23" 720P LCD HDTV

    If you want one that's cheaper, you will probably have to go with one of those off brand tv's. The fact that it will be a bedroom tv and will not be used all the time, going with one of those probably wouldn't hurt.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2008

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