I just got a brand new XFX GeForce FX 5200 128MB DDR 8X AGP vidio card. I disabled onboard vidio, shutdown pc, installed card, started pc. My monitor will not even light up (hooked up to vidio card or onboard outputs) The power light on the monitor stays yellow doesn't turn green. The yellow hdd light on my pc comes on hard with the card installed. If I remove the card and enable onboard vidio, everything goes back to normal. Defective vidio card? Thanks.
it might be.. try not disabling onboard video that happened to me when i disabled it before just leave it enabled and put your video card in the agp ot pci slot and just plug the monitor into the video card.
Thanks, well I tried that first, Same thing. So then I thought I need to disable onboard first, Makes no difference.
Check in yr BIOS. As well as disabling onboard video have you made sure that AGP 4x/8x whatever is enabled?
It could be a defective graphics card. Try re-seating it, though. Take it out & put it in again, making sure that the golden bits have all but disappeared into the AGP slot. Fire yr PC up again. If you get NOTHING then it's probably a dud graphics card as your mobo/PC works fine with the onboard graphics. Alternatively, try going into the BIOS set up. Boot up and press (probably) DEL or F2 or something to get into SETUP (the start up screen should tell you which it is). Each motherboard's BIOS is different, but go through the various menus (using arrow and enter and esc keys) until you find the graphics setting. Mine has options for 2x, 4x, 8x & AUTO with AUTO selected as the default. See if you have an onboard graphics enable/disable setting. If you have onboard graphics 'disable', then select it and (v. important) exit and SAVE changes (you can always go in and change them back again later if it all goes horribly wrong). Good luck.
Thanks for all the help. I installed the card just like the previous times before and waalaa, now for some unknown reason it works great. Thanks again.