hi, i used this to get around copy protection on imperial glory, I found this post on another site, from somebody who knows how to fix this problem; If you dont want to use Anti-Blaxx 1.16. Remember Virtual drives are detected by game protection system; to bypass this detection and play with the image mounted in Daemon Tools do the following steps: - go to Start -> Run and type "regedit" to launch the Registry Editor; - Find this entry in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices right click on "MountedDevices"; next, click on "Permission...": a window will appear; select the "Administrators" group: a menu with the name "Permissions for Administrators" appears below. In this menu you will see the text "Read" with two choices next to it (Allow or Deny). Click on "Deny", then on "OK" and last confirm your choice by clicking on "Yes" in the dialog window which has appeared; - Find this entry in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi under \Scsi you will find entries like "Scsi Port 0", "Scsi Port 1", "Scsi Port 2", "Scsi Port 3", etc etc. Now click on any of these entries and look for the one with the text "d347prt" next to "Driver" key; right click on this entry; click on "Permission...": a window will appear; select the "Administrators" group: a menu with the name "Permissions for Administrators" appears below. In this menu you will see the text "Read" with two choices next to it (Allow or Deny). Click on "Deny", then on "OK" and last confirm your choice by clicking on "Yes" in the dialog window which has appeared; - Close the Registry Editor window; Now you can mount DVD image in Daemon Tools and play! but deamon tools ucked up so i uninstalled it, and tried to reinstall it, but the virtual drive was still there and deamon tools wouldnt let me reinstall, i got the error another program is using driver please choose another driver, please help, i just reinstalled my computer and dont want to have to do it all again