i am making a mini xbox and planed to run it without a dvd drive (got a 200g hdd) but i cant figure out a way to boot xbox with out the dvd drive. is there a way to do this? getting error code 12. put a lot of time into the case for this not to work. thanks
If you remove the Board from the drive, and just put the board in connected to the ide, it might work. Why make a smaller xbox though?
because if looks pimp duh. And if your xbox is modded I dont think you need the disk drive attached to boot anymore.
I would love to see a picture of that modded "mini" Xbox, Also I would like to purchase an xbox and put MCE on it and upgrade to a 300gb 7200 rpm WD HDD I have. Can someone point me to a resource or guide, if this is even possible?
@thekingo7 I suppose it is Media Center Edition(MCE) Correct me if im wrong, i dont know any other MCE.
Yep there is an article in this months pop sci about soft modding the x box with a linux os xbox media center. Though it doesn't cover if it is possible to upgrade it to that large of an HDD.