Need help with dvd set-up

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by superfngr, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. superfngr

    superfngr Guest

    I didnt know where to post this so im posting here since its the closest thing. I have a hitatchi 50v500 50 inch lcd hdtv and i just purchased a samsung up-conversion dvd player and im runnin ginto input troubles and need help. the tv has dvi support with 2 sets of component inputs and 3 more sets of composite inputs. heres my problem... i use a dvi cable for my cable box which is considered input 1 so since the dvi only does video i have to use the red and white cables for audio in the input 1. then on input 2 i run my xbox 360 which uses the component cables and the regular red and white for auido in input 2. NOw i just bought the upconversion dvd player and when i plug the component cables into input 1 i dont have a place for the audio cables since the dvi only does video and i have to use the red and white cables in input 1 to give my cable box audio. im a noob at these things so i may be missing something but if not am i just stuck switching cables in and out?Someone PLEASE help me.

    the ony thing i can think of is two splinter the red and white audio cables between my cable box and dvd player but then i get degraded sound and only use one speakre per device.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2006
  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    You said you were using one set of components for Xbox, that leaves one set still open. Can't you use input 3 for the dvd player, and use the composite audio, that goes with that set of components?
  3. superfngr

    superfngr Guest

    i will try that but will it register that the audio is on input 3. i mean i have the one set of componenets open like u said in input one so if i put them there and i turn the tv on to watch a dvd i have to set it to input 1 and the audio will be in input three so since its set on input 1 i didnt think i could use the composite audio on input 3

    edit: i tried what u said and it wouldnt read the audio since it was set on input 1 because thats where the component cables were and the thu audio was coming from input 3 the composite set it cant be on two inputs at once.

    this is corny,essesntially because i dont have hdmi i can only run 2 hi-definition things on my tv at a time. so icant even get an hd-dvd player or a blu-ray player if i want to because i would have to change the cords around e erytime i wanted to watch a frickin movie.i figured i only paid a grand for my t.v i guess i know why,shouldve got hdmi capable tv.if im wrong someone let me know cause this sucks balls right now having a thousand dollar tv and a up-conversion dvd player and cant use them unless im dicking around chnging cables.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2006
  4. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Ok......... I thought maybe the other component input might be input 3. That's why I said use input 3 for audio.

    I guess you don't have an A/V receiver (surround)? It would make things easier.

    You can get two "Y" adapters, that have 2 female ends going down to 1 male end. (opposite of picture)
    In one adapter, put left audio output from cable box, in one side of adapter, and left audio output from dvd player, in other side, of same adapter. Then plug that adapter into the left audio of input 1.

    In other adapter, put right audio output from cable box, in one side of adapter, and right audio output from dvd player, in other side, of same adapter. Then plug that adapter into the right audio of input 1.

    That's gonna be the easiest way, I think, since you don't have an A/V receiver (If you don't). I had to do that connection once, with my DirecTv receiver, because it had only one set of outputs. I ran one pair to my A/V receiver, and one pair to my vcr, so I could record movies from DirecTv. I recorded every movie I bought from PPV channels.

    Good luck! It probably sounds harder and more involved, than it really is.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2006
  5. superfngr

    superfngr Guest

    thanks dude,im going to try that
  6. superfngr

    superfngr Guest

    is it easier to buy the av reicver and how do they work, i mean where do you plug them in and all. i will bu running dvi to my cable box,component to my up conversion dvd player, and component for my xbox 360?appreciate all the help
  7. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    The left output audio cables, from cable box [bold]and[/bold] xbox, plug into the two female ends of the "Y" adapter. Then the male end of that adapter, plugs into the left side of Input 1, on the tv.

    Then, the right audio output cables, from the cable box [bold]and[/bold] xbox, plug into the female ends, of the other "Y" adapter. Then the male end of that adapter, plugs into the right side of Input 1, on the tv.
    DVI cable goes in DVI input on tv, and component cables from dvd player will go into Component 1 input, on tv.
    You don't watch cable and dvds at the same time, so, when you want to watch cable, choose the tv input for DVI. When you want to watch a dvd, choose tv input Component 1.

    That [bold]should[/bold] work, unless the tv won't allow it, for some reason. It's basically doing the same thing a receiver would do. If that don't work, go buy a cheap A/V receiver.........
    Good luck!
  8. superfngr

    superfngr Guest

    give ya a big su-fi for the help man, i really appreciate it.

    dane cook rocks

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