Well I copy six movies with no problems. But when I tried copy How to lose a guy in Ten days and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is when I started to have problem. I get errors on both movies when I copy. I wasted like ten copies of DVDs already. Can Anyone please help me. What em I doing wrong? Please Guide me that all I want. From jvega
i have the same software and there are a few movies that it just wont copy, whatever the reason. i like to copy menus and everything, but when i get a read error i go to simple mode and use express to copy just the movie. works about 50% of the time. i also go to msconfig and uncheck antivirus, roxio, and other stuff. then restart, unplug cable modem, turn off firewall, start copying and leave pc alone. maybe i do too much, but i have few coasters. richard
First of all it would be nice to know which version of Platinum you have, ripper or RF? It is true, Xcopy appears to be unable to record some movies. I backed up LOEG, but forget which prog I used. Guess I need to start a log. There are a lot of things to check out when one has 321 software. In fact there is a long checklist. Here is a URL that will take you directly to the checklist. Once you go over it you can eliminate a lot of possible problems and see things to avoid in the future. http://cgi.tripod.com/321ripforum/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?board=321gen;action=display;num=1089105482
It would be a good idea to make a copy for future reference. Another thing you need to do when you run into problems. Use an RW disc to record until you know you have solved the problem. That way you don't ruin a lot of discs. When you get the problem solved, then use the + or -R. The RW may not play on a standalone, but your PC will read it so you can check the recording. Some standalones will even play the RW. Players vary. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel - [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
I am not exactly sure of how to get a response on the forum. I need some help trying to activate my dvdxcopy platinum. I have the License Id. and password from inside cd case but even called Canada and after an hour on hold said no one was available.Please help. I am so excited about this so far unusable software.
Activating the software has become a serious problem in the US. There is an online activation through dvdxcopy.com where they may issue a new license. Old licenses had to be updated. You can try contacting them online. At this late date, good luck. Try the DVDXcopy forum here at AD. The new owners of the software sponsor that forum. They may have some answers on activation issues. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel - [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
well my question has not been answered. So I have to get rid of alot of my software to make it work. Help Please has anyone copy the movies I tried to copy......
jvega- what version of dvdxcopy platinum do you have? 3.2.0 or 3.2.1 with the ripper, or dvdxcopy platinum RF (ripper free). are you using any other software with this program? if you have to have a backup of these movies and dvdxcopy wont do the trick, get dvd decrypter to rip, and clonedvd2 to burn. you can download both free with trial periods. [bold]So I have to get rid of alot of my software to make it work[/bold] why? to use dvdxcopy platinum, you dont have to get rid of anything-just close the intrusive programs temporarily. also try this site: its for platinum 3.2.1 problems. http://dvdxcopy.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/54833 richard
jvega You have to supply some information when we ask for it or no one can help you. What you did is like walking into a garage and telling a mechanic your car broke down 5 miles down the road and then asking What's wrong with it? The Checklist for Problems explains itself. There is only a need to remove certain programs and others are turned off while recording. The guide is to make sure you have an environment in which the program will operate. [bold]What version do you have and what are the error messages?[/bold] And there is a forum just for 321 software. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel - [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
jacota20 To activate Xcopy software,try here. http://www.dvdxcopy2.com/index.asp?A=43411&PROMO=DXCWSA