OK. I have an MPEG-2 file already on my computer. I am trying to compress the picture into a widescreen aspect. Since TEMGenc asks for 2 files, I used TEMGenc's MPEG tools to split the file into audio and video. I then went to the main screen of TEMGenc, went to the Imput, clicked on Browse and found my audio and video files. Using the settings, I changed the aspect ratio to 16:9 and ran the encode. No pitcure was encoded. I ran the wizard and tried to do the same thing and TEMGenc tells me that the video file it created isn't the right format. I went to dvd2avi. I set the audio output method to "Decode to WAV." I clicked on save and in 10 minutes I had a 548kb file that was useless. I tried agian, but this time I set the audio to "Demux." This time I got an audio file but the .d2v project file was still only a few hundred kb. Confused, I left DVD2AIV open and went to the TEMGenc wizard agian. The audio it opened just fine. the .d2v file gave me the same error. I then went back to TEMGenc. I went to MPEG tools and split the original mpeg into two streams agian but this time i set the video file to be a .d2v file. go to the wizard and it doesn't work. I've tried making the video stream every type of file I can think of and it doesn't work. WTF am I doing wrong? Tell me how to get TEMGenc to open and use a video stream.
You need to install the mpeg reader plugin for tmpgenc. You also need to make sure you have the correct audio decoder codec for your video. If it's AC3, forget it. Tmpgenc can't read ac3 audio. Extract audio to .wav in virtualdubmod. Load the video, and the .wav as the audio.
Do Option___Environmental Settings__VFAPI Plugin and change (by right-clicking) the proprity of the plugins you have. My order (another one might work) is: DirectShow Multimedia File Reader : 1 (top priority) (others): 0 (middle priority) AVI VFW compatibility reader: -1 (bottom priority) click OK and hope.. Ah, the .D2V is a 'pointer'. Thanks to it (and to the 'DVD2AVI Project File Reader' you automatically created - and inserted into the VFAVI pligin list at priority 0 - by copying DVD2AVI.EXE and DVD2AVI.VFP in TMPGenc's directory), TMPGenc will load the VOBs. No suriprise it's very small (few hundreds Kb). The WAV audio should be extracted by selecting, in DVD2AVI, the correct Audio___Track Number (the english track is almost always Track 1; for the remaining languages look, keep in mind a 'track screen' that might heve been shown in the DVD ripper's screen, or look to a DVD ripper's TXT tile output), and keep selected Audio__Output Method___Decode to WAV. While you'll prepare the D2V, DVD2AVI will extract the sound stream to load as 'audio input' in TMPGenc. The WAV is not extracted only if it doesn't exist a # Track in the VOB set and you had, selected in DVD2AVI, Audio__Track Number__Track #. You can demux the sound stream from a VOB set (with VOBEdit, for instance) and convert it later to WAV,MP2... but the delay which often exists (and which is fixed only during playing the DVD) remains.
Since the file is already an MPEG-2, you should just be able to load it into TMPGenc without splitting it up with the mpeg tools. Just 'browse' for the file, and it should automatically fill both video and audio selections for you. You can get the m2v VFAPI from here... I think. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_encoders/m2v_plugin_for_tmpgenc.cfm but I never had to load it in ver2.5 plus. Just the AVI VFAPI... Is that the same thing?
Since scifi105 was speaking of .D2V files, I assumed that the file he was speaking of was a DVD MPEG-2 (a .VOB set) , not a SVCD MPEG-2 (a .MPG file). Ah, just to be more precise, you need TMPGenc Plus or Xpress to load MPEG-2 files. The freeware version can't. It's only when you load a VOB that you need a different file (since the VOB has AC3 audio that TMPGenc cannot accept). On an another file (AVI, MPG, WMV, ASF...), TMPGenc loads by default the sound from the 'audio input'