Need help with game save!!!!!(PSX emu)PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by GhottaBe, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. GhottaBe

    GhottaBe Guest

    Ok i got my PSX emu working perfectly and i want to put some gamesaves from gamefaqs on there my question is where do i put the saves i tried to put the saves(for the game arc the lad 1) in the E/SAVES/PCSXBOX/Arc the lad 1(NTSC) and load the data but it didn't work when i started the game the save file lokks like this(arc_the_lad_1.gme) is it suppose to be in a certain format or am i doing something wrong?
  2. DavGerm4

    DavGerm4 Active member

    May 25, 2006
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    I think that the save game files have to go into either the UDATA or TDATA file. You open those, and then there will be a list of other files. You will have to open each one, until you find something relating to your Emulator.

    What I would do to find the place to save, is to play a rom on that emulator, and then save the game. Then go onto FTP, and find that save game file. That is where you will put the other save file.

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