need help with getting my router/internet to work...

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Jason3, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Jason3

    Jason3 Guest

    my router and internet work with my psp (which i'm currently using to type this) but not with my laptop, and my current computer (not a laptop) is being fixed because of a virus. my router is connected to the modem. does any1 know how to fix it (the router/internet connection/laptop)?
  2. nownthen

    nownthen Regular member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    First of all if anyone is going to be able to help you we're going to need more information.

    What kind of Router are you using?
    Is the laptop being used with a wireless connection or wired?

    If your using wireless with you laptop I recommend you plug it in. If you can't connect to the internet then. I would reset the router. If you can then I would go over the settings for the wireless assuming you have it.
  3. Jason3

    Jason3 Guest

    the router is wireless and it is a linksys, and i think ive accidently been using 1 of my neighbor's routers
    with either the laptop or psp, because the ip addresses dont match, but both of the routers' names
    are linksys

    EDIT:this thread is old, and I don't want to revieve it, so I'll just say that mt internet is fixed now, my computer just had a virus..
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2007
  4. nownthen

    nownthen Regular member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Usually when you setup a wireless network you give a name for your network. It isn't very likely that you could connect to some else's network without knowing it. By router name do you mean you both us linksys routers or that you both named your networks linksys.

    Just to comment on the Ip thing you mentioned. The router will get one Ip address from the internet connection. Everything behind that router will get a different Ip address. Which with the D-link router is usually a digit off of the other computers on the network.

    I don't really have any experience with Linksys routers. I've always used D-link. I imagine they operate similarly though.

    What comes up on your laptop when you try to connect to the network.
    Is it getting a signal?
    Is it getting more than one?
    Is it connecting to the router but not the internet?

  5. thecraigc

    thecraigc Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    it could just be the security (?)

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