Need help with Mini-dvd camcorder

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by SueSee, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. SueSee

    SueSee Guest

    I have an Hitachi mini-dvd camcorder. I am unable to capture the video by connecting the camera to the pc with the supplied usb cable. When set it to play, and then connect to the pc, the display screen goes black, the camera is unrecognized, and I am unable to capture with any software. I bought this camera so that I could put the dvd in the drive and capture the recording that way, and make my movie from there. Does anyone know of ANY software that will capture the recording from the dvd-ram in the dvd drive? All software that I have tried seems to be written for mini-dv cameras, and assumes that the camera is attached to the pc with a firewire cable. My camera came with a usb cable, which worked until I upgraded to my new computer. And yes, I loaded all the drivers, etc. It just flat out won't work with the usb cable. I'd really like to capture via the dvd-ram. Can anyone help?

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I don't have experience with recording on DVD-RAM, but if you put it in the drive in your PC and browse, what do you see? Does it show the same structure as a normal DVD? If so, you could use the methd as described here:
  3. SueSee

    SueSee Guest

    Thanks for your reply. When browsing to the drive, what appears on the dvd is an unknown file structure. The file must be "captured" through a program in order to be edited. However, I finally found a program that will capture directly from a dvd-ram. Ulead VideoStudio 9 will do it. I had been using VideoStudio 7, which does not have that capability. Looks like I have to upgrade. Darn! Thanks for your suggestion.

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