I recently reinstalled my operating system on my laptop and I can't get the desktop settings right. The desktop area extends past the borders of the screen, and if you put the mouse to the side or top it will scroll over or up. Can anyone help me fix this? Thanks. I have a ati radeon 7500 on my Sony viao laptop
Are you are saying that the mouse comes on the bottom of the screen when you push the pointer to the top of the screen? if so, then you have "pointer wrap around on" in the mouse pointer options.
No, that's not the problem. The problem is that the viewable part of the desktop is larger than the screen, so if I put the mouse to the left of the screen it, it will scroll over and stop at the edge of the larger desktop. Then I can move the mouse to the left and it will go back until the start menu appears, then stop. Sorry if I'm not clear, I don't exacly know how to describe it.
Sounds like you have Extended Monitor on. Right Click the Desktop and select properties. Click the Settings tab, and see if Extented Monitor or something similar is ticked, if it is take it off. Does it show to moniors on that tab or what. Another thing could be the resolution, try changing it, eg from 640x480 to 800x600 etc.. CJC