i bought a DS form craigslist for my kid, it came with a TTDS card, a 2gb Kingston micro SD chip and a Apacer micro SD Adapter with games all ready pre-loaded from the last owner. My computer doesn't read that theirs a card when i plug it in so i went to london drugs and bought a San disk 1 gb chip and adapter to use but my DS says " menu?" when i use that chip! my comp read the sandisk to load games,but the ds doesnt read the sandisk chip and the ds read the Kingston chip but my comp doesn't?!?!?!?! any help would be appreciated! thanks
the new memory card wont have the menu download on it you need to download menu files on to it go to www.dstt.com and go to downloads and download the 2 files onto your memory card for dstt leanne xx
i would actually go to www.buy4ds.co.uk or .com cant actually remember which one it is but then go to downloads and down to dstt part where it has download named new and download that this is the one i use leanne xx