Need help with slow speeds using Shrink

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Vortec30, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. Vortec30

    Vortec30 Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    Im totally noob when it comes to burning, however I did download Dvd Shrink and Decrypter. I follwed a guide i found and got shrink up to the point where its encoding "The Godfather" DvD, and i was wondering if encodes are suppose to take this long. By the time its done it will be about 50 mins that is has been doing its thing.

    Is this normal? I have a amd 1900 with a gig of ram, and my dvd burner is a Memorex True 8x dual format Drive. the rate it says its encoding at is 3500/kb's. Does this encoding have to do with my burners read speed? Mine is 12x. Also is there a setting I could be missing?

    I have dvdxcopy as well and found it much easier to use. Any need to be using shrink and Decrypter if I have dvdx?

    Thanks for help.
  2. squizluke

    squizluke Regular member

    May 24, 2004
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    The speed it takes sounds about right. My backups usaly take about 40 mins and i have am amd athlon 2800+ so if your cpu is slower it will take longer. Another thing you have to take into consideration is the godfather is a fairly long movie and the more it needs ro compressed the longer it takes to encode. In backup options there is a box you can tick to perform deep analisis if this is ticked it will improve quality but it will take longer to backup.

    I've never used DVD xCopy but i have used dvd x copy xpress and shink is way better. You can keep the menus and extras and you cand back the movie up to your hardrive unlike xpress where you to burn strait to disc.

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