Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by casper007, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    I have just purchesed an xbox that seems to have a hard mod already in it, im used to soft mods and know how they work but iv never come across hard mods and dont know how to open my xbox up to use xbmc, or any of the other stuff i have on my soft modded xbox's. Please help as i know it has a lot to offer but i just dont know how to open it up!
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    if its already modded why do you need to open it up?just boot the xbox and load everything...if you wanna install a new application go download AID 3.0 from
  3. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    When he says "open it up" I think he means opening the potential of the xbox. Now how does the xbox "seem" to have a hard mod?
  4. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    Ok i opened it up and it has a hard mod for sure, when i said open it up before i did mean to full potental. at the moment it still comes up with xbox live on dash but i want access to xbmc... evox... ect...!!
    so will i need to remove the hard mod which is not soldered but just pluged on, or is there another way?? thanks for comments so far!
  5. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    as theridges said, download auto installer deluxe 3.0 and install everything you wnat, if should be about the same as a softmod.
  6. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    ok i tried the sid knave soft mod installer but it wont back op epprom or ms any ideas if i should remove the hard mod first
  7. theridges

    theridges Guest

    what message does it give you when you try to back up the eeprom and ms dash?
  8. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    it gave me one error messege when i first tried but now when i load up the installer to go to evox dash and back up it re-sets the box and goes in to loading splinter cell again, is there another way i acan get to evox dash???

  9. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    ok when trying to back up ms it gives me error code 112, not sure what the epprom code was cos it wont let me get that far with it it still keeps re-setting at evox dash, by the way im using Soft mod installer 4.0 will that make any difference???? thanks thekingo7
  10. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you will need to turn your chip off and do it from the original ms-dash...
  11. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Well I would still download the AID 3.0 because it has the most current SID out (3.1)
  12. theridges

    theridges Guest

    king the newest SID out is 4.5...and AID 3.0 has that on there aswell....
  13. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    I couldve sworn 3.1 was the newest, 4.5 is the newest Nknave version I thought.

  14. theridges

    theridges Guest

    there all the same really becuz when it boots it says nothing about nkave,and it is the same exact thing except for the dual boot for XBL....
  15. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    ok guys i really appriciate your help and iv done all you said i turned off my h-mod chip and booted the aid installer, installed the applications and dashboards, but when i re-booted my x box now it gives me a cutomer service warning screen and the front LED cycles all colours and wont let me boot nothing...... What did i do wrong??? i have got a back up of a hard drive off my other xbox's will i be able to use that to restore my now blocked h-moded xbox. and if so can i put the hard drive from my h-moded xbox into my pc to do the restoring??
  16. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Buddy why cant you jsut use the chip? Its exactly the same as softmodding, just more reliable. Try it out, I want you to put the chip back on and reboot AID 3.0 and reinstall your M$ dashboard, and a hacked dash (I love unleashX)
  17. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yea you have a chip nothing is broke just put the chip in and booot AID like king said thats the safety of haveing a chip...
  18. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    OK listen guys its not as simple as that cos i turn the chip back on and no matter if i try and load Aid up or not i still get the same screen ( green with a cusomer service advice in a few languages) is the problem a bios one or will i be able to boot up with out a hdd. iv cloned a hdd off one of my soft modded xbox's but even that wont boot cos of that same green customer service screen.
  19. theridges

    theridges Guest

    it will definately be a bios problem because it should be able to boot past the error message....and yes you should be able to put your other HD inside your xbox but you will still need to load AID and use config magic to unlock it and then lock it back to that motherboard.....
  20. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    Thanks for your help theridges. i cloned the hard drive from my soft modded xbox and put it on a 40 gb hdd, run aid and pow iv now got a box thats running fine with the chip switched on. the 40 gb hdd won't lock, and i still can't boot it with out the chip switched on but at least it works and holds a lot more info and apps. thanks again. diamond geezer!

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