I am capturing my Beta movie using WinDV; the movie is 2 hrs in length. WinDV makes multiple AVI files. How do I either join the AVI files into one big file so I can render using Canopus ProCoder Express or increase the limit of the AVI files in WinDV? All I am looking to do is capture my movies and convert them to DVD (along with authoring) getting the best sound and picture quality without breaking the bank. Any help in getting me past this file limitation would be greatly appreciated.
Try clicking the "Config" button and were it says "Max AVI size(In frames)" set it to say "225000" which should make it so the Files are 10 times as Big before spliting.... If you captured to DV Type=2 you should be able to Join all of your Files into one File useing "Virtual-Dub" by Loading in your First AVI file and going to "Video" and set it to "Direct Stream copy" and set the "Audio" to Direct stream Copy" and then go to "file" to "Append AVI Segment" and Load in the second File and then repeat for the Trird and Forth ect.. One you have all of your Files Loaded go to "File" to "save as AVI" and Give the File a Name and Save it and in a Few Minutes you should have a Big Joined AVI file that you can encode in your Chosen Mpeg encoder..... Cheers