ok i really need help with the xboxhdm 1.9.....i backed everything up like it said in the tutorial....eeeprom E: C: etc....and i unplug everthing all usb devices and ide devices....leaving only my new harddrive set to p-master.....and my dvd drive and my ps/2 keyboard all pluged in....i disabled auto detect....and i put the cd that i made the ISO from in the dvd drive and it works.....but when i try chose option 1 and it loads and askes to type in 'xboxhd' I CANT TYPE ANYTHING AT ALL, ITS LIKE MY KEYBOARD DOESNT WORK.... CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE?
try another keyboard that is probably the problem other than that it might be the iso but most likely the keyboard...
Im having a frozen HD problem I don't know hot to turn off the auto detect feature on my PC I've gone to the bios menu but I don't see an option for this please tell me how to do it