Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by ejw, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. ejw

    ejw Guest

    i need help on connecting my xbox to pc using flashfxp the cables i have to connect them are cat5e crossover patch cable.I need people to help me on what to do next to connect the pc to xbox so i can transfer files from the pc to xbox
  2. mr_modder

    mr_modder Member

    Sep 24, 2004
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    I am assuming you already have a modded box with Evox installed. With your mod chip on start up your box and look under the settings to obtain your Xbox IP address. If I remember correctly it is usually 192.168.1.XXX (the last 4 didgits can change or simply use the default of I would recommend getting your exact IP so that you can browse the internet while you are downloading/uploading files.
    After all that set up a site in FlashFXP under the site manager.
    Site name: XBOX (or whatever)
    IP address: (from above)
    leave port 21 as is
    user name: xbox
    password: xbox

    Then connect! Hopefully all should be well and you know how to use FlashFXP. You will know that you are connect to your Xbox when you get a list of drives reading C,D,E,F,G,I,X,Y,Z.

    Hopefully this helps. It has been a long time since I had to do this and anyone else feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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