Hi, hope some of you guys might be able to help me out. Firstly I havn't much of a clue when it comes to this part of a pc. A friend of mine recently had windows me installed on his pc. He had virusus and his system wasn't running well so he installed windows 2000 but now after he installed that version, there seems to be no colour on his pc. Basically his pc is running in black and white even when surfing the web. I downloaded windows me and gave it to him to change back but now its says it can't run windows me from windows 2000, only from windows 95 or 98. His system seems to be running fine apart from the absent colour. Any way he can solve this issue? either by upgrading or any other way? He did re-install windows 2000 but still the same. Like I said, I'm/he is not well up on this part of the pc so is there any easyish way to solve this. Thanks Sandisk
Sounds like he needs re-install the drivers for the video card. Did he do this after re-installing Windows?
as Niobis mentions, sounds like video driver not loaded or not loaded properly. does he know what the make & model # of the videocard? does he have any other exclamation marks in device manager?
Thanks for the reply guys. No he didn't install the drivers dor the video card at all. I was just browsing through google and I read something about installing drivers but I didn't pick up on what it ment. I havn't spoke to him yet today but no he doesn't know what make the video card is. He just lets the kids use the pc for the web so all he know is he has a broken pc lol. Can you tell me how to install these drivers and if you need more informatiomn on his pc and also how to access the info needed from his pc. I'm on windows xp and his settings seems to differ from mine. Thanks for the help guys. Sandisk
if he has an Installation disc, just format the hard drive and reinstall windows. this will get rid of any viruses and will make the computer operate faster as it will not have as much junk on it.
As the other guys said, I think it's the drivers. Even when he re-installs windows, it has no colour in it. His pc was originally windows me but he changed it to 2000. He hasn't got his original windows installation disc so I downloaded it for him but it says cant run windows me from windows 2000. His pc works fine with windows 2000, it just has no colour.
Ok, his pc is a packard bell and the serial is 006852720287 and when entered on the packardbell website it equals model 1270. He brought his pc to pc world today and they said go to http://www.packardbell.co.uk/support and enter that serial in the box and that he needed a graphic card driver. I've been to the site and seen the list of available drivers for his model pc but I can't see a driver for graphic card anywhere. There is drivers for modem,usb and chipset. Any suggestions on this ? Thanks Sandisk
The Halley motherboard is almost identical to the Florida motherboard. Both are described as MSI-6340 by the manufacturer MSI. The difference is in the chipsets: the Florida uses the VIA« Apollo KT133 chipset, and the Halley has the VIA« Apollo KM133 chipset. This chipset has the S3 ProSavage 4 video chipset integrated, giving the Halley integrated video as well as an AGP-port for AGP video-cards. win2k video driver. http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=3&CatID=1170&SubCatID=111
he says that he had winblows me and he installed winblows 2000, and that then he tryed to re-install winblows me, so ithink you should FORMAT the HD and try it again
Thanks for the replys and help on this guys. ddp I can't thank you enough on this. I searched on that packard bell website for ages and couldn't find that driver anywhere. From the link you gave I burned the driver to cd and installed it on his pc and it works perfect now. Your after saving him and me a lot of headaches to say the least lol. Thanks very much guys Sandisk
Sorry guy's I'm back again. So now the pc is running perfect in colour but now there is no sound lol. Once again I've searched the packardbell website and can't find a sound card driver. I don't know if thats what I should be even looking for, would this be correct? Thanks again Sandisk
try this link for sound. http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=3&CatID=1030&SubCatID=100 try this link for motherboard chipset. http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=3&CatID=1230
Ok ddp, thanks very much for this help. I'll burn them to cd and install them for him tomorrow{1am here now} Should I install the motherboard driver first or the audio? Does the motherboard driver have to be installed or is it just wise to install it anyway just to keep things up to-date? Thanks again Sandisk
Thats great ddp, now it's working with colour and sound. I really appreiciate all the help. Thanks very much. Sandisk