Does anybody use Tor? I just found out about it, from what I have been reading it's one of the best available options to hide your ip. Only thing is my 6mb cable internet runs like dial up when I'm using it. Is this normal? I have been using the firefox "switchproxy" add on for the past few months, I'm happy with it except for a few things. I'm not able to respond to emails, certain sites are inaccessible, and I can't bid on ebay. I get some kind of connection has been refused message. Thats why I was looking for another option. Tor seems to work on all sites with no restrictions, but is horribly slow. Switchproxy is fast, but some sites and features are inaccessible. Is there a happy medium? Can anybody recommend another solution?
It's normal for Tor to be slow. It does not use a simple proxy server, it uses a network, "the Onion network", of linked computers. Your exit point could be on the other side of the world, so return packets have a long and tricky journey.
Exactly, The fact about it running like Dial up is what caught my attention, Im on a 1.5mb connection and runs with only a little slow down. I would suggest right clicking on the tor icon and selecting "Get new identity" It will change all the proxys you are running through and might increase your speeds.