Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me if I could play games from USA and JAPAN on my PAL (UK) NDS Lite? I want to be able to buy games from the net in furture, as the shops to much! (i.g; I paid £29.99 for Final Fantasy III, when I could have brought it new from eBay for £14.99!) many thanks in advance!!! ^.^
Also... Does anyone know how I connect my NDS to my PC, what kind of memory card, cart, whateve... I need for my NDS to play emulators for GBA, GameBoy, Snes, Nes, Sega MegaDrive, etc... I really want to run some emulators on my DS, and am clueless on how to do this. Can someone tell me I need to get in order to do so? Any infomation will be great!
For GBA and GB, you're going to need an M3 Lite (Steer clear of pro) http://www.gameyeeeah.com/m3-perfect-m3-lite-c-21_39.html A microSD card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820171115 And a microsd card reader http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820163304 However, a much cheaper slot-1 device will work if you only want ds games. http://www.gameyeeeah.com/r4-ds-revolution-r4ds-microsdtf-slot1-solution-adapter-p-190.html http://www.gameyeeeah.com/m3-ds-simply-microsdtf-slot1-solution-adapter-p-198.html The M3 Simply and R4DS are almost completely identical on the inside, and you can patch either firmware to run on either card. For both cards you can get firmware and software here. http://m3adapter.com/ For emulators go here. http://boards.pocketheaven.com/ Currently, the best for snes is Snemulds, for NES it's either nesds for ds or pocketnes for GBA, for Gameboy it's Goomba for mono or Goomba Color for color games. The only Mega drive emulator I've used is Picodriveds, which, unfortunately, runs at around 1-5 FPS. For roms go to 1rom.net (DS GBA, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, SMD) gba-rom-news.org (GBA) ds.rom-news.org (DS) frozen-roms.net (DS GBA, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, SMD) dgemu.com (DS,GBA, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, SMD. Registration required) gbc.rom-news.org (GBC) Cheers!
Sorry, I just wanna understand this the best I can. Which do I need for NDS Lite? The M3 or R4, or both? I'm a bit confused, and don't mind if I can just play DS Roms (gameboy and gba games are cheap enough now). Do I just buy either one of them and a memory card into it? (and what kinda memory card? cause I have a few PSP MagicGate ones, if they would work). Also, if I can't use the MagicGate ones, how to I send roms and Fimeware over to the M3 or R4? Sorry, I just don't have the money to be going out and buying stuff I don't need lol
The M3 Simply and R4 are slot-1 flashcards, you only need one unless you want the M3 lite for GBA games as well, I threw that idea in the pot as a cheaper alternative as they only work with DS games. The memory card is a microSD, you plug it into your computer with the reader, I provided links for everything.
Sorry, I know, I'm a very annoying person lol. If I brought M3 DS Simply, 1GB MicroSD Card, and MicroSD USB Card Reader, is that all I need to play downloaded Nintendo DS Games? Do I need to buy any kind of PassCard or anything else? This is the last question lol...... I think... Thanks in advance!
Cool The MircoSD USB Card Reader is only around £7 on ebay (with p&p) so I'l grab one too Thanks for all the infomation! ^^ Cya!