i have the zatoichi dvd box set converted to ogg files on my pc but my friend wants to watch it on his tv because 10 friends crouched around a pc monitor.i need a converter to take the ogg video files with subtitles and make them into dvd.
You might try ConvertXtoDVD from VSO. The trial version is fully function although it watermarks its output. I know it supports OGG audio; I'm not sure about OGG video or OGM video. I've never tried it with that. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ There's also a program called Super or something like that. Also maybe VirtualDubMod. I don't work with these types of files so take my advice for what it's worth.
thanks . ill try it . if anyone knows of a converter that will definitly convert ogg video with subttles plz tell.