Hi everyone. I have a confusing problem trying to get MP3s to play on my phone. I need to give some background, so bear with me please. I have a LG 8300, Verizon is my carrier. I've been trying to put songs on this for months. The method I use is a card reader. I can put a song on it and it will play for about 10 sec. and give an error message. I have d/l a V-cast song which will play fine on the phone. I have tried to play my songs on the computer and they work fine on the HD and the card reader when I first put them on there. The songs work fine on my Zen. Once I put the micro card in my phone, it will not play my music, just the V-cast song. If I take the card and put it bak into the card reader it will no longer play in WMP. It will do the same thing as it does on the phone even though it played find before I put the card in my phone. Yesterday, I went to the Verizon store and after telling them all this, the guy decided to see if his card would play in my phone. It did. He then put 3 of his songs on my card via a card reader (we were trying to make sure that the card wasn't corrupted or Verizon had a 'lock' that I missed. His songs played great on my card in my phone. Sorry for all this seemingly useless info, I'm just wanting to make it clear that we have ruled out everything to do with the card and phone. They said that maybe I was using DRM music, I told them I was pretty sure I wasn't, but would double check. The only other thing they could come up with is codecs. I went home and tried both another song and one I know I had gotten off a CD. Same problem. I tried using Gspot to check the codecs and on the guy's music it says the cotainer is "MPEG Elementary Audio <<{1 aud}" and the codec is MPEG-1 layer 3. When I check my music off the HD and the card before I put it in the phone, it says the same thing as it does for his music. On my music, after I've tried to put it in the phone it says "File Type: unknown, Mime Type: unknown" So, here's where I need your help. Something has to be happening when the card goes in my phone, but we've already ruled out the card or player being messed up. I simply copy and paste the songs into my folder, I've even tried dragged a dropping them. The guy said that he uses the same method. What is going wrong here? Thank you for any and all help Rynn
If I'm not mistaken, this phone only plays wma format songs. Try this: From main screen press OK and then the number 0 seven times (you’ll see a sequence of question marks go away). Then scroll all the way down and press #11 to get to Music Setting. Lastly, select My mp3. Now, to play songs, Press OK (Menu)->Settings and Tools, press 5-> press 2 (shortcut key), press 5 (play key), and select my mp3s. I hope this helps...
Hey. Thanks for answering, but my phone does play MP3s. It was enabled in a software upgrade; so when I got my phone it already had SW version 3 on it. Also, the songs that the guy put on my phone are in MP3 format. Its messing up between putting the songs on the card and putting the card in my phone.
But it's not sorted out! I'm still having the same problem that I posted with. I already knew what you had told me.
Ok. There seems to be some underlying issues here. So, let's retract. What kind of micro SD card do you have and how much memory? Another thing, did you format the card? And of course, protected (DRM) music from iTunes and others won't play...