I have 3 pharmacy locations and recently installed software to order Schedule II drugs (Percocet. morphine, etc.) online from my wholesalers. One of DEA's requirements is that I backup every order to a removable media. Since each of my order PCs came with a DVD writer, DVD backups seem the way to go. Unfortunately, DVD writing software wasn’t included with the machines. I need some sort of packet writing software to seamlessly write the backup data to the drive without having to go through Microsoft’s writing routine and wizard. I have Roxio’s Drag-to-Disk on my home machine, but don’t want to go through the expense of buying 3 copies of Easy Media Creator just for the packet writer. Any recommendations?
Packet writing software isn't the most popular thing in these parts because it tends to mess with optical drives when performing other tasks, but being as though this will be used in a business environment and burning video probably won't be happening...try IBM's DLA for free: http://www.argentuma.com/backup/software/dla.html
Wow! Answer in minutes. Major software company. Downloadable. Free. It just doesn't get any better than this. I guess I came to the right place. THANKS! ...j