Need Progam to Replace "Easy-VCD" ?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Art716, Jun 30, 2005.

  1. Art716

    Art716 Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    I have an excellent program that I have used for about 3 years called "Easy VCD". It would rip a dvd and when I had the time I would use the same program to encode the vob files. Well, I bought a new CD Burner ( went from a 16 speed to a 52 speed burner) and I am now no longer able to use this program. Is there another program out there just like Easy VCD and operates the same way? I would greatly apreciate any and all help please and by the way, I am slow to understand due to eplespy. Many thanks and God bless.
  2. FartDude

    FartDude Guest

    Try DVD2SVCD along with tmpgenc encoder, it works in a similar fashion but has some more advanced features, one question however, what happend that caused easyvcd to stop working? i noticed you said you went from a 16x to 52x but that shouldn't effect the application.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2005

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