I'd personally stay away from Lite On and get a pioneer; Pioneer 111D/111. Or an NEC such as the 3550A or similar.
what makes the Pioneer bettre than the LiteOn? Please explain in idiot terms so I can understand. thanks.
Well they are all good brands of drives. However, I have encountered more problems with Lite Ons around the forum than I have Pioneer or NEC. Also it is merely personal preference of mine.
i disagree i think the Lite-On is a better drive than the Pioneer plus you can booktype DVD+R meida to DVD-ROM with the Lite-On and you can't with the Pioneer. i have a Lite-On and its been a very good drive
I was by no means saying Lite Ons are bad drives. I was merely saying I prefer Pioneer/NEC/Lg. I used to have a Lite On and it was a very good drive. But not trying to argue about it