I need to get a new hardrive for my xbox and dont know where to start, any advise? And are there external hardirves I could get?
Yea try googling it but id just go for an internal because external would be a pain in the neck to carry around. I mean if you afraid of taking it out to put stuff on it you dont need to you can just ftp. good luck.
Search here for the "Xbox Hard drive compatibility list" to find internal drives. As for external drives, I've never seen them really work with an original xbox, except for a few Linux uses. But that's a whole different story altogether.
yea like handsom said just go with an internal it will be much easier in the long run. good luck and have fun. got more questions dont be afraid to ask em.
Thanks ^.^ Theres one problem though, I cannot ftp to my xbox...it says that the connection is damaged..
Question, are you using a router, or a Crossover cable? Make sure the ports are set to 21, and you have the username as xbox, and the password as xbox. Those are the defaults, and unless you changed them, thats what they have to be.
everythings set the way its supposed to be, im using a router. it says on my computer that the connection is weak and I cant do anything through it...this only started happening like two weeks ago an I dun know what to do...
Check your cables and everything. How old is your router? and what internet connection do you have? ex: Dsl,cable or dialup. If you have dialup that might be your problem. Do the computer that are hooked up to the router work?
I've experienced that with a few xbox consoles, for some reason, there are occasionally a few that "Just don't work", which makes things a lot harder for me. I had to transfer 4gb of data by way of cd-r, it wouldn't even read DVD+R...... Good times.