Need some help fast please!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by bid_dj, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. bid_dj

    bid_dj Guest

    I bought an old HP e-vectra computer to use as a car computer every this is fine till i found out that the optical driv(cD drive )connector is a 50 pin IDC (Real Slim Type)adapter but any way i managet to buy a suitable JAE50 to IDC50 adaptr to install to the CD rom the following link is for the sinct i couldnt find any cable for this i hooked it up with a 44pin cable every thin worked on the CD drive it got power ejected well and when i put a CD on i could heatr the sound and that makes sure the drive is woking fine bu the compter didnt dectet it i tried to do it manually but theres no way can any one please tell me what could the problem can be or do i need to hook up all 50 pins
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    you need 44 wires as the 4 pin block is for master/slave setting

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