my xbox is already softmoded im running unleashedx dashbord. I used the game spilter cell to do it. Every thing work great. So now im trying to upgrade my HDD. I have read every thing that I could find I have been working on this for 2 full days and still haveing problems. This is the directon I was using Every thing seemed to work great the only problem I had was when you burn the boot cd I could not get both c drive and E drive on the cd. when I ran the program to make it an iso it was like 800mb. So I thought I read some were that I only need the C files and the eeprom. So is this my problem? besides that every thing when good. I could lock new hdd drive no problem. but when I put it in the xbox I get a screen that says call service for support. any help I would apperciate it because this is driving me nuts.
try this . . And just copy your C:/ drive and EEPROM.BIN . And FTP the rest on later . Thats personally how i do it . I upgraded my main xbox with a 1tb harddrive . Good Luck
thanks for the fast replay. Ok I did that and still getting the error message on the xbox to call support. Could the hard drive im using be bad or when installing the files on the computer with the boot disk would it tell me or no. I have a diffrent hard drive Im going to try.
well the other hard drive will not lock for me. I get a massage saying this drive does no sopport the ata secerity specs. But when I looked at the chart the model was on there. Its a maxtor 160GB drive
I the compadibilty chart to people said it locked and 2 people said it didnot. So mine will probley not lock for me. But my other dirve locks and unlocks fine but I still get the call service when I boot up. I pluged my orginal HD back in and it works great. So I re FTPed all the files back on my computer made another disk with just the C files and the eeprom but still nothing, could the drive be bad or would the files not load.
The harddrive is fine if your able to transfer files . Did you make sure the jumper settings were correct when you put the harddrive back in your xbox ? that does interfere . The only way to know if your harddrive will work is trial and error . Sounds like your doing it properly . Just double check your jumper setting .
Found the problem some how I had the wrong eeprom back up. Once I download the eemprom view and dounble checked ever thing it worked. Thanks for the help guys