need some help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by cearel, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. cearel

    cearel Guest

    ok i need to know what bios i need to play backed up games
  2. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i have an xecuter chip flashed with X3 3294 v16plus plz help
  3. theridges

    theridges Guest

    go search #xbins on irc to find the newest hacked bios...
  4. cearel

    cearel Guest

    what doea that have to do with anything?? is mine too old??
  5. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i dunno you asked so you told .....go download the neewest one just to be sure
  6. cearel

    cearel Guest

    this is the newest one, so now what?
  7. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Like I've asked before, what is the problem you are having? Your xbox is modded, your bios is fine, there should be know problem for you to play a backed up game.
    If they don't work maybe you are doing it wrong, because if you do it right, you just put in the burned disc and tell the xbox to play it.
  8. theridges

    theridges Guest

    cearel flash your chip and play the games then it shoould work perfect if your flashing right.....
  9. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    cearel- I read in your other post that you've got the Xecuter, your xbox is modded and you are able to run Avalaunch. This is all good news. What do you mean exactly by "I have Avalaunch but it won't boot games". You are trying to run them but Avalaunch refuses to do it, or you can't figure out how to run a game?
    Also, where did the backups you are trying come from? Did you rip these yourself from original discs? Are you sure that you are burning them correctly? I just don't get what's so hard, but maybe I am missing some crutial part of the story.
  10. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i followed the tuts at xbox scene exactly, my avalaunch wont boot games unless i save them to my harddrive, i must be burning it wrong but i dont know what im doing wrong i ripped it using qwix just like the tut said then i burnned it using dvd decrypter at 1x it burned i put in in the box and nothing i cant even copy it to my hard drive plz help i must be missing a step
  11. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    You ripped it with Qwix to an ISO? Or you made the ISO with Qwix after you ripped it? I use Qwix and Avalaunch myself and love both programs. Ripping the DVD right from the drive to an ISO on the PC is a great benefit of using these apps. Are you burning to +R discs? That could be a reason as well.
    You are missing something or not doing something correctly that much is sure. Perhaps the instructions you followed weren't clear enough and so you think you did everything right but goofed somehow. Maybe you can post a link to it and I'll follow it and see if it works for me. That's a good site, so I'm kinda betting it will work.
    The way I do it via FTP is to boot up the xbox with Avalaunch, then start Qwix on the PC. Choose Create ISO in Qwix and where it asks for the FTP directory choose the D: (DVD) drive. Now Qwix will pull all the files off the disc, make an ISO where you choose on your PC, and when you burn this ISO it will work. I've done this many, many times. I use Nero at 4x, not DVD Decrypter, but there are those who swear by it so it should be ok.
  12. Gamer506

    Gamer506 Regular member

    Dec 14, 2005
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    sorry to interupt but [bold]theridges[/bold] could you check your pm's?
  13. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    cearel - One thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that if the DVD is burned correctly, a golden DVD icon will appear on your Avalaunch screen. If no DVD appears then Avalaunch isn't recognizing your backup as an Xbox game. Easy way to tell if the disc is good.
  14. cearel

    cearel Guest

    ok i have done it the same way you have with qwix and everthing, iahve used nearo and decrypter here is the tut and i used dvd-r, mabe you can walk me throu it some time through aim
  15. cearel

    cearel Guest

    oh yea do you have to add a dummy file because i didnt do that be cause the game takes up the whole disk ??
  16. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    No, on a regular sized game you don't really need any dummy files. Only really small games may have issues and need a dummy. DVD-R discs are ok too as long as they are good quality and not crap. What kind are they.
    Like I said before though TWICE, if you put in the game disc that you burned and the golden DVD icon does NOT appear in Avalaunch then it's just not recognizing your disc as a game. All games it likes will be playable by highlighting, and then selecting that dvd icon when it does appear.
    You are probably burning it wrong, or creating the ISO wrong (like putting the game in an incorrect subfolder thus making the ISO useless). I say this because Avalaunch, Qwix, Nero and DVD Decrypter are great apps that do their jobs. Many many people have used them to make many more backups, so if you are failing it's unfortunately 99% certain to be your error. Figuring out that error is becoming a real bitch though!
  17. cearel

    cearel Guest

    hey would you mind walking me through it some time on aim?? if so my aim is jjspitfire88
  18. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    I don't have aim, sorry. I went through that tutorial and even though it's older than disco, it worked for me. There is one bit where they tell you to burn the DVD at 1x, which I couldn't do. My current burner WON'T burn at 1x. Not even a choice. It doesn't even like to burn 4x or 8x discs at 2x. All my discs I burn at 4x, maybe you should try that too. Your burner may burn the discs at 1x but that doesn't mean it's burning them well. It could also be that your media is no good and that can cause problems.
    Other than that, I have few suggestions. Your process seems sound, I do mine almost exactly the same way and they work every time. The apps you are using are more than suitable, and they work automatically so there's some, but not much, chance that you screwed something up in those steps.
  19. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i must be making the iso wrong, the way i do it is open qwix then i go to the folder i ripped from my xbox then i click create iso then i load that using nearo at 4x thats the lowes mine goes but i have done it with decrypter at 1x and it still doesnt work, this sucks i dont know what im doing wrong with the burnning process, so i thought it must be my bios or somthing but it cant be ppl use the same one i have and it still works for them. [bold]i just want to play burrned games[/bold]

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