Hi guys - I hope I found the right spot for this question. I need some software on my windows xp machine where I can control all the other computers bandwidth from my router. Is there any such software out there to control other computers bandwidth at my house network? I would prefer freeware or atleast a trial version of some sort to try! Thanks alot and I will be checking back soon and hopefully someone has given me some insight on this subject!
i know that it is possible to control YOUR computers bandwidth through software such as netlimiter but im not sure about over a network from a google search i came up with this helpful hint: http://searchwinit.techtarget.com/ateQuestionNResponse/0,289625,sid1_cid598330_tax294825,00.html
Thanks - Still looking for a piece of software that will allow me to set a max download speed on certain computers hooked up to my network.
Unless they've fixed it, Netlimiter doesn't work at all. Tried it. Look to see if your router has some bandwidth-throttling feature. Not many do but they could.