im looking for suggestions on some good software for recording vocals and mixing the vocals with audio tracks, so i can make some proffessional sounding tracks for a demo, thanks
lets first get some more details, such as what is your budget? do you already have hardware (such as a good mic to record your voice)? What is your ultimate goal, to create a song, or is it just spoken word with music in the background...give us a little more info. The industry standard for recording/mixing/mastering for both the movie/tv industry as well as the music industry is a program called Pro Tools. It is made by digidesign, whose parent company is Avid, which makes the professional video editing equipment used by the film industry. I've used pro tools for about 7 years now, and taught it for 2. I now work on the other side (do on set/field audio recording) but still play with pro tools for fun. For under $500 you can get a MBOX 2 which can record 2 channels in/out of 96khz/24 bits of audio and is USB powered, and comes with Pro Tools 7 LE which can handle up to 32 tracks of audio. The fact that you can get the software itself for that price is an amazing steal. (You do need the hardware though...unlike other semi-pro apps, pro tools uses its own proprietary hardware). Check it out at If your budget isn't that high, then there are several other options, just let us know what your goals are for this project...