hey guyz ive been on afterdawn for a couple monthz now but im pretty much a newb when it comes to buiding a computer for scratch. ive been interested in it for a while and have been reading up on a few guides that attempt to explain the basics. ive pretty much got the jist of it but im still in the dark when it comes to certain issue. one is that im not sure what to look for in a motherboard. i was also wondering if any one knew a good guide for a newb like me and if u all had any suggestions as im gunna attempt to build my first commp in the very near future. im living in canada so id probaly get my products mostly from http://www.futureshop.com seeing as they offer free shipping... ok guyz thanks for the help
where in Canada are you located, I'm just south of Barrie Ontario. I wouldn't buy from Future Shop as some of their new hard drives are actually refurbs but at new prices. I get my stuff & systems for my customers at GoGoComputers in Markham Ont.
Hey! Whatever you do, don't buy anything at futureshop/best buy--they will rip you something fierce!!!!! If your near Miss/Brampton area check these guys out http://canadacomputers.com/ They have a massive selection,no hastle return policy and great prices. I'm on my 10th system biuld and have bought from them 90% of the time! check out these links http://www.webfreebees.net/howtobuildpc.html http://www.pcmech.com/byopc/ Good luck!
im actually living in toronto....scarborough to be exact......im pretty familiar with the computer components except for the mother board.....how many and what kinda slots shud i be looking for
what cpu are you going to use AMD or Intel. go with ddr ram(2plus slots),to keep costs down get onboard video BUT has to have an AGP slot(4-8x),standard boards have onboard lan, sound & 4 to 8 USB ports & 3 to 4 PCI slots
what p4 are you looking at. gogocomputers has an asus p4r800-vm with radeon 9200,800fsb,8xagp,3pci,lan & audio for $102